Sunday School (From September to May)
Calling all Pre-K-5th graders! Join us for a snack and Bible lesson full of activities, crafts, and games. Classes are split into upper and lower elementary groups with a focus put on building strong relationships with Jesus and with each other. Sunday school meets between worship services from 10:00-10:40am during the school year.
Journey (From September to May)
Journey meets every Wednesday evening 5:30pm-7:00pm during the school year. We have a GREAT time learning about Jesus! Join us for a free dinner, music, crafting, games, and other adventures related to our Bible story until 7pm. Our curriculum for ages K-5th grade walks us through the Bible and shows us how loved we are by God!

Children’s Ministries Mission Statement:
“Assist and nurture families and children on their faith journey to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ by offering Bible based programs of study, service and mission.”