Giving @BPC
Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of Bettendorf Presbyterian Church! Giving is easy- here are the best three ways:
1) Leave an offering during worship or mail a check to the church. Your offering is tax-deductible!
Our address is:
Bettendorf Presbyterian Church
1200 Middle Rd
Bettendorf, IA 52722
2) Use a bill pay option from your bank/financial institution, marking Bettendorf Presbyterian Church as the payee. You’ll need the church’s address (listed above) and an account number, which is your offering envelope number. If you do not have an offering envelope number, please contact Jerry (e-mail: jfroeschle@mchsi.com) to get one.
3) Use the “Vanco Mobile” app on your smartphone. Here’s how:
- Download the App “Vanco Mobile” from the app store
- Register your name, and email, and input a password.
- Enter Bettendorf Presbyterian Church or enter zip code 52722 and a list of churches will appear – Select BPC.
- Follow the instructions for inputting your gift amount and credit/debit card information.